Cloud Support & Training

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Cloud Migration Support

Migrating to, and integrating the cloud into, your infrastructure and business processes offers many benefits but can be challenging.  An organisation needs to consider

  • what services, applications, and processes will be migrated and what will be kept on-premises,
  • when the identified services should be migrated,
  • which cloud provider to use, from a cost or service availability perspective and should it be a multi-cloud solution,
  • how should the cloud infrastructure be configured from a security, permissions and organisation perspective,
  • how must your organisation's IT structure, policies and procedures adapt to the cloud,
  • what skills and experience are required to migrate and manage the cloud securely.

Cloud Adoption Strategy is a Process

An organisation's cloud strategy requires organisational change and the strategy may go through several adjustments and variations as the results, and learnings of projects, are analysed and the business becomes comfortable with the cloud, what it offers and how it works.

Cloud Strategy Workshops, Information Gathering & Analysis

Jumping Bean is here to assist your organisation with these challenges and provide expert input to short-cut the learning and adoption curve in your organisation to realise the benefits of cloud utility computing as quickly and efficiently as possible.

From conducting conceptual workshops, gathering and analysing information relating to your current environment and architecture, to the development of short-term and long-term plans including the drafting of policy and procedure relating to cloud processes, we have the skills to facilitate your organisation's cloud adoption strategy.

This strategy will cover the optimal way to configure the could infrastructure, how to integrate with existing authentication systems and the set-up of VPC and access to the cloud network as well as application migration paths.

Contact Us

Please contact us for any queries via phone or our contact form. We will be happy to answer your questions.

3 Appian Place,373 Kent Ave
2194 South Africa
Tel: +2711-781 8014 (Johannesburg)
  +2721-020-0111 (Cape Town)

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